Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Part 24 - Celestial Stargates - Ring-a-round the Rosie

Picking up where we left off, The Wizard of Oz features another important stargate sequence that compares to what we saw modeled in the music video for “Insane” by A-Jax.

After Toto escapes the castle and finds the Lion, Scarecrow and Tin Man, they go to rescue Dorothy. The come to the tower chamber where Dorothy is being held prisoner, but the doors are locked.

Scarecrow: “Dorothy! Are you in there!”
Dorothy: “Yes. It's me. She's locked me in.”

At this point, the time-word drenched dialogue heard previously resumes. (Hey, she is the GreenWi[t]ch, right?) The reason for this NLP-fest is the same as before; a stargate transit is being staged.

Dorothy: “Hurry, please hurry. The hourglass is almost empty!”

The door is hacked open and Dorothy exits to greet them.

Scarecrow: “Hurry, we've got no time to lose.”

They rush down the stairs but their exit is blocked when the doors magically swing shut before them.

WWW (standing on the upper landing, laughing): “Going so soon? I wouldn't hear of it. Why, my little party's just beginning.”
Lion: “Trapped, trapped like mice, or rats.”

The guards advance gingerly toward them, pausing. Notice the giant idol of the sun god in his bird of prey guise. The candles on the chandelier are burning.

WWW “That's right. Don't hurt them right away. We'll let them think about it a little first.”

WWW cackles, then screeches loudly and tosses the hourglass over the railing. (How time flies when you're having fun! Hey, it's her little party, right?) It crashes to the floor below and bursts into flames with an explosion of dense smoke.

The scarecrow seizes the opportunity to put the tin woodsman's axe to the rope that holds the chandelier aloft, which immediately crashes down upon the guards assembled below. In the ensuing confusion, they scramble to find another exit.

Scarecrow announced, “We've got no time to lose.” Then, the Witch responds to that by letting fly the hourglass to be smashed on the floor below, losing time.

If the music video “Insane” is still fairly fresh in mind, you'll find the broken hourglass and falling candlesticks a familiar pairing. The modeling of the speed of light and breaking of the continuity of time, the involvement of a black magician in the setting of the underworld; these elements are common between them. Productions like Insane and the Wizard of Oz dramatize stargate transits because there is work to be done, and the very dedicated and proficient Occultists are hard after it until their objectives are met. The time is near when success will be achieved, due in no small part to the effectual ritual magick of such instruments as these mass entertainments.

I'm going to make a few observations about another scene and the black magick involved in the work.

Dorothy and her associates were unable to find another exit and were eventually trapped in another tower. The Witch confronts them.

WWW: “Well. Ring around the Rosie a pocket full of spears. Thought you'd be pretty foxy, didn't you? Well, the last to go will see the first three go before her. And her mangy little dog too.”

She lights her broom on fire from the torch. (Note: Three things and then a fourth. Also: FOX = 666 as F=6 and O=15 or 1+5=6 and X = 24 or 2+4=6)

WWW: “How about a little fire, scarecrow?”

She lights his left arm on fire and screeches with glee.

Scarecrow (waving his arms): “I'm burning!”

Dorothy grabs a bucket of water.

WWW: “Don't throw that water!”

Dorothy throws water on Scarecrow's burning arm, saving him and getting the witch wet.

WWW (shrieking loudly): “You cursed brat. Look what you've done. I'm melting, melting. Oh, what a world, what a world. Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. Oh! Look out. Look out. I'm going. Ohhhh.”

That was the end of the Wicked Witch of the West. Where was she going? How was she going? Like her sister, about whom it was sung, “Ding, dong, the witch is dead.” She was said to have gone below where the goblins go. When she says “Look out,” it's not a warning to those listening, to avoid some threat of danger, but rather a sign she is seeing something, not here in this realm but somewhere else as a portal to another dimension has opened to her perception.

The clues in the scene suggest a Golden Gate transit. She mentions spears, referencing the archer, Sagittarius, like when spears had been chucked at Toto while modeling the Golden Gate transit at the drawbridge. The element associated with that sign is fire, and that's what we saw when the Witch lit her broom from the torch and then lit the Scarecrow. The other sign flanking the Golden Gate is Scorpio, which is associated with water. That's what was thrown at the burning scarecrow, who was saved when the water met the fire. That, however is what made the Witch vanish into mist. Her last words were, “I'm going,” not, “I'm dying.” Did the water drown her in the river of time, as being flushed through the Golden Gate?

It's evident how those responsible for the Wizard of Oz know how to practice their elemental craft.

  • The Witch of the East (Air) was destroyed by Air as a Dorothy Gale from Kansas, the “People of the South Wind,” arrived in a whirlwind.
  • The Witch of the South (Fire) and her companions were threatened with destruction by Fire.
  • The Witch of the West (Water) was destroyed by Water.

When the Witch confronts her intended victims with a nursery rhyme, the magicians who scripted the scene are spilling some beans, revealing how the familiar nursery rhyme and the practice associated with it is actually the performance of magick. We'll see this validated in an episode of the original Star Trek series. I'm going to give this some attention because it's actually a stargate opening ritual that is perfectly fitting in the context of the scene where the Witch disappeared through the misty portal. The collections of verse we consider nursery rhymes are rife with reference to witches, spells and curses, so there's nothing really unexpected when it comes to the nature of the working. I was raised with such as this while being convinced I was being raised in a Christian home in a Christian community. I really fell for that one, although I did have a sense that all was not quite right.

When the Witch repeated the nursery rhyme, she changed a word. Ring around the Rosie, a pocket full of spears. Her prey had been chased around and around by the guards with their spears, like how children circle around holding hands while chanting that old nursery rhyme. The last line of the rhyme is, “We all fall down,” and this is the fun part for the children as they drop hands and fall backward to the ground, laughing. What is actually being modeled is no laughing matter. Some suggest it derives from the time of the plague (England - 1665), but that fails to account for the esoteric meaning.

You can get some insight into it by watching an episode from the third season of original Star Trek series. It is streaming from the CBS website for free: Star Trek - "And the Children Shall Lead" You can read about it here: Star Trek - "And the Children Shall Lead" (memory-alpha wiki).

You'll see children playing the Ring Around the Rosie game, chanting and circling around Captain Kirk. You'll also see them perform another ritual, putting their hands together in the middle of a circle while chanting to summon an angel named Gorgan. "Hail, hail, fire and snow. Call the angel, we will go. Far away, for to see, friendly angel come to me." Their summoning by fire and snow represents two of the four Elements, fire and water. The Ring Around activity is just like the other circling and chanting, magic ritual. One is to summon their angel, the other is similar. We're not told this directly, but do they really need to?

The makers of Star Trek knew the Occult. Check out their episode titles. In the first season, there's one titled Space Seed that features genetically engineered superhumans. I wrote fairly recently about the character Kahn, whose name is an anagram of Ankh, the Egyptian life-giving instrument. He made his first appearance in that episode.

If you watch this episode where Ring Around the Rosie is featured, you'll probably understand why it's the 4th episode of season 3, stamping it with the numbers 3 and 4 and signaling the production of Horus. When the angel has the child coven hijack the crew and ship, he's bent on going to Marcos XII. Marcos ~ “mark us” as with the mark of the beast.

There are many variants of Ring around the Rosie. This is the one I learned.

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.

A common British version seems likely to me to be more faithful to its origin.

Ring-a-ring o' roses,
A pocket full of posies,
A-tishoo! A-tishoo!
We all fall down.

The third line is onomatopoeia, for sneezing. According to Wikipedia, “European and 19th-century versions of the rhyme suggest that this "fall" was not a literal falling down, but a curtsy or other form of bending movement that was common in other dramatic singing games.” These are clues that suggest a magic ritual.

Witches sometimes circle around and chant during rituals. Have you ever seen a May Pole ceremony? If you remember this post and the video from the BMA, you saw a ritual circling of a coven around Taylor Swift on a large table altar in the ritual room backstage. (Decoding Taylor Swift's "22" and the BMA Ritual Exposing the Theater of Witchcraft)

The secret of a rose is the thorns, which are the serpent tree heritage people. Consider the Ring-a-ring o' roses as a crown of thorns. Think about that in the messianic context. The thorn heritage people form rings, circling around for the raising energy in worship, for personal empowerment and for the casting of spells. Magic circles are cast and closed by rotating around a circle.

A posy is a small bunch of flowers or a single flower. However, the archaic definition is: “a brief motto or inscription, esp. one on a trinket or a ring.”

An ancient ring with an inscription quite possibly contributed to the inspiration of J. R. R. Tolkien, renowned author of The Hobbit and “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. “The ring is believed to be linked to a curse tablet found separately at the site of a Roman temple dedicated to a god named Nodens in Gloucestershire, western England. The tablet says a man called Silvianus had lost a ring, and it asks Nodens to place a curse of ill health on Senicianus until he returned it to the temple.” (Ring that may have inspired Tolkien goes on show) See also The Hobbit ring that may have inspired Tolkien put on show.

I read the entire body of Tolkien's work when I was turning 23, during a month when my arrogant self was becoming quite convincingly humbled. The Lord was drawing me to Himself, and He used that body of work to convince me that there was a supernatural reality and substance to life and a presence that I could no longer deny.

Whether Tolkien might have been influenced by that cursed ring, or by Der Ring des Nibelungen of Germanic and Norse legend (which he steadfastly denied), or perhaps both, I cannot say.

Shortly after publishing this post, I was reviewing it with Aaron, who mentioned something that required this update. There's a key scene in The Hobbit where Bilbo finds the ring, the object of the entire quest, the "one ring to rule them all." His life depends upon winning a contest of riddles with the ring's long-time possessor, Gollum. His riddle: What have I got in my pocket? It was an unintended riddle, but it won him the contest. Here's a video clip of the scene. The Hobbit - A Riddle - What have I got in my pocket?

What Bilbo had in his pocket was the ring. The ring was magical and inscribed with elvish runes. He had a posy in his pocket that was the most important artifact. It had power to rule over the other rings of power, which were other posies. He therefore had a pocket full of posies. I believe Tolkien was demonstrating his understanding of the meaning of the nursery rhyme by that clever riddle.

Here's the picture where I photoshopped that ring into the image of the Olympic Rings logo that had been suspended from the Tower Bridge during the London Olympics in 2012.

The line of the children's verse naming a pocket full of posies makes far more sense as a pocket full of magical amulets or talismans with runes or other inscriptions than it does as a pocket full of flowers.

When a person sneezes we politely reply with a blessing. Why? Some say the practice derives from the belief that a sneeze causes the soul to escape the body through the nose, and that immediately invoking a blessing would stop the devil from claiming it. Others say evil spirits use the sneeze as an opportunity to enter a person's body, and the blessing is invoked to stop that from happening. Still others suggest that the heart momentarily stops during a sneeze and the blessing invoked welcomes the person back to life. Because the sneezing during the Ring around the Rosie activity isn't answered with the invocation of a blessing, whatever was thought to be countered thereby would result. Of the three things identified as a concern, the one I understand as being legitimate is the second, which suggests by the sneezing line of the verse that demonic possession is not only free to occur it is invited by the ritual chanting of the onomatopoeia.

“We all fall down.” Whatever that is, based upon the other lines, it can't be good. If it's a falling down as bowing or curtsying, it's a giving of honor to the demons invoked. It seems to me that the falling down is a falling into a trance state for the ritual, entering into that energetic realm where the witches raise the energy to cast their spell or accomplish whatever the intended work of that ritual might be.

This Pagan ritual is the opening of a stargate, a circling to generate the energetic vortex. Every casting of the magick circle is the opening of a portal from the underworld into ours.

When the Wicked Witch of the West said “Ring around the Rosie, a pocket full of spears,” she was spilling the beans about the practice of black magick. Her posies were no flowers but rather spears, runic talismans according to the kinds of things she had in her tower, magickal weapons. Aleister Crowley declared that bells can be magickal weapons, which are often inscribed. The Witch of the West signaled that she had opened the ritual to perform a sacrifice by fire in that round room, of Dorothy, her companions and dog, where the energy would be harvested properly and channeled for whatever her purpose happened to be. She wanted the ruby slippers. Remember what she had told Dorothy earlier? “Those slippers will never come off, as long as you're alive. But that's not what's worrying me. It's how to do it. These things must be done delicately or you hurt the spell.” Apparently, the spell was not going to be hurt now because it was being done delicately. By starting the nursery rhyme, allusion was made to the whole by that part. She signaled that the circle was cast, demons were invoked and the trance state was entered. She was finally going to get those ruby slippers!

The potent rituals of witchcraft and the opening of stargates is being done openly, in plain sight. We have been deceived about what things are and what they mean. Where we have been party to this, we are worthy of judgment. Call upon the Lord's forgiveness, if you are so convicted. Call upon His help, for protection, for further insight, for whatever He may ask. He is good!

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